
Technology in the Spotlight

“Astonishing” future technologies are under research and development in rapid succession.

Since our establishment in 1934, NBC Meshtec has developed and applied mesh technology and has developed the fields in which it can contribute.
In recent years, we have been endeavoring to seek new possibilities, such as the development of functional meshes through fusion with nanotechnology.

World leading high definition meshes created through the craftsmanship of artisans and our original production technology

Our high definition meshes also meet the high level quality required by our customers.

The weaving technology that forms the foundation of NBC Meshtec has been advancing day by day with the aid of our long cultivated meticulous skills and our unique design and production technologies.

For a clean, safe, and comfortable environment with respect to invisible threats by technology that applies antiviral and antibacterial processing to various materials

Microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria, are ubiquitous everywhere in our living environment, and there is a need for microbial control technologies available in a wide range of situations.
NBC Meshtec has developed the antiviral/antibacterial technology Cufitec™ with the aim of realizing a technology that is effective against various microorganisms (viruses and bacteria), takes effect immediately (reduces them in a short time), and acts on them strongly (prevents viruses and bacteria from spreading). With this technology, we strive to protect not only the health of users but also the health of the many people around them.

We enhance the added value of materials by providing them with high functionality, such as adhesion control, dust-proofing, and water repellency, with technology that maximizes the effect of nanoparticles.

Nafitec™ is our proprietary, patented technology for uniformly immobilizing functional inorganic nanoparticles onto the surfaces of materials.
With conventional nanotechnologies, nanoparticles sink into the resin substrate or binder, resulting in limited nanoparticles that can manifest their functions. However, Nafitec™ can maximize the surface areas of nanoparticles and thereby maximizing the effect they have.
Nafitec™ has also immobilized nanoparticles successfully onto meshes and other materials with complicated shapes.

Contributing to the SDGs and society with environmentally friendly meshes using resins made from plant derived raw materials

We are also developing mesh cloths made of biomass plastics, which are manufactured from resins made from plant derived raw materials instead of conventional fossil fuel derived raw materials. Our products are environmentally friendly and contribute to reducing CO2 emissions through carbon neutrality.

Decomposing malodorous components and toxic substances for fresher and safer air

The deodorizing effect of activated carbon, which is adopted by many air purifiers today, has issues such as not lasting very long. We are developing a catalytic filter that decomposes offensive odors and harmful gases with a nanoparticle catalyst over a long period of time.
By selecting an appropriate catalytic filter for the purpose, it is possible to decompose unpleasant odors and toxic substances over a long period of time and transform the air to safer air.

Decomposing substances that cause the deterioration of flowers and vegetables to always deliver fresh and lush vegetables to the table

Fresh flowers and vegetables loose freshness day by day. This is the biggest problem with transportation and storage, and there are still many other problems that must be solved to extend the period of freshness with current storage technology.
We are researching catalyst bodies for maintaining freshness that effectively decompose ethylene gas emitted from the flowers and vegetables themselves, which is considered a cause of deterioration.
If this technology is put to practical use, it will become possible to maintain freshness for a longer period of time.

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Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about NBC Meshtec's technologies.